On behalf of Government, Projects and private companies we analyze laws, regulations, policies, facts, figures, data and situations at a detail level and then develop conclusions and policy recommendations based on the true situation. We work with our clients to define the problem to be analyzed, the analytical approach to be taken and how to document conclusions. We then perform and document analysis as agreed upon.
Our services in Policy And Decision Analysis include:

economic analysis
Making an optimal decision often requires looking carefully at big picture and in depth analysis of many areas and variables. In often cases such picture is not readily available, which leads to sub-optimal decisions. It is important to understand business and its operations not only at the micro level, but also understand the economic environment and its underpinnings in which business operates.
Economy and its development can have a huge impact on the future of the business and as a result it is important to understand the drivers behind the economic growth and the links between the business and the macro economy.
TBSC helps clients in economic analysis, which might have a significant impact on businesses and projects. This service is also designed for international donor project, which aim at economic development and sustainable growth.
cluster mapping
Identifying existing and emerging clusters is one of the foundations for modern economic policy. This technique follows the UNIDO’s cluster approach which is based on rigorous methodology, combining quantitative (regional statistical analysis methods such as Location Quotient and Shift-Share Analysis) and qualitative instruments (key informant interviews). The methodology is applied to map existing or emerging clusters within a particular geographic area and then rank them according to cluster-relevant criteria. The results are usually used further to select the most promising clusters for further diagnosis and assistance.
cluster diagnostics
Emerging and already established clusters have different dynamics, conditions and drivers, which influence the potential of the cluster to succeed. Identifying the exploring these different key aspects of a cluster is important to diagnose its overall potential. The cluster diagnosis study follows the UNIDO cluster analysis methodology. It involves analyzing internal and external environment of the cluster, quality of links among the cluster participants, value chain analysis, Porter Five Forces analysis, SWOT analysis, establishes a cluster map, derives a vision and recommendations to improve overall cluster performance through cluster policy measures.
project design
There are many ways to implement the project, but few companies devoted due time to understanding those different ways and approaches towards project design and start project implementation without sufficient analysis. Absence of project plans, budgets, clearly defined objectives; required resources often lead to tough situations.
TBSC has many years of experience in project design and implementation and through these years has understood the importance of proper design of the project. Optimal project design greatly facilitates the implementation of it thereafter, reduces devoted human and financial resources and increases the chance of meeting project objectives.
TBSC helps its clients in developing project design, which includes identification of project objectives, required human and financial resources, time, allocation of responsibilities, development of implementation structure and monitoring and evaluation process design.
If your company has ran into a problem while implementing the project, or is planning to start one we can be of great help.
stakeholders facilitation
Facilitation means enabling members of a group to take part in a process in an effective way. Facilitation process brings together different stakeholders who have an interest in a problem situation and engages them in processes of dialogue and collective learning that can improve innovation, decision-making and action.
Good process design and facilitation must integrate scientific and community perspectives, build the capacity of stakeholders to effectively participate and create a supportive, institutional environment. This requires a solid conceptual understanding, skills and experience.
Our methodology covers the planning, the engagement, the reporting and the response.
- We will determine what knowledge you seek from the engagement of the stakeholders: their material concerns; the performance expectations and perceptions associated with their material issues.
- We will work with you to identify key stakeholders to engage – these can include colleagues, the investment community, consumers, community groups, and governmental representatives.
- We will define the most appropriate channels for engagement, which may include participatory scenario focus groups and workshops, face-to-face in-depth interviews, telephone interviews and online questionnaires.
- Our report will identify areas of strength and weakness with recommendations. We highlight activities that can demonstrate best practice, and we include case studies where appropriate.
TBSC consultants have assisted multiple organizations in complex, multi-stakeholder facilitation process.
impact evaluation
Every organization has management processes. These processes are the way things get done. Management processes include everything from the new product development process to the cash-management process to the customer service process. Perhaps more than any other company features, management processes determine the success or failure of the company.
The quality of management processes can vary widely within a company. Most managers would admit that certain management processes are sub-optimal. Said differently there are opportunities for improvement. Sometimes these opportunities are within a single department so the solution of the problem is within that single department and within the competency of a single manager.
More commonly, the opportunities for improvement cut across departments; consider customer service where many departments perform one customer-service element or another. In such situations improving the management process requires a decision by very senior managers in the company. Unfortunately senior managers may not have the time or experience to actually design the optimal process. Relying on less-senior managers is an option but those managers often have some personal interests that might shade results. As a result the management process may remain defective or improvements may not produce the hoped-for benefits.
TBSC consultants have worked with hundreds of organizations improve their management processes, particularly those that cut across departmental lines. We have the skills, experience and time to do this properly for nearly any organization. We can either deliver turn-key solutions to companies (for their implementation) or take the management team through an improvement process that creates full buy-in to the final solution.
tariffs and willingness to pay
Tariff setting affects the welfare of communities, economy-wide resource allocation, as well as the financial performances of public utilities. It requires multiple considerations such as: good governance, financial sustainability, distributive justice, economic efficiency, and fair pricing.
On the other hand, tariff setting and right pricing strategies require complex efficiency studies and cost-benefit analyses. In such cases, willingness to pay study is one of the methods, which reveals the consumers and stakeholders respond to different prices. Within a larger economic context, looking at how people interact with prices can become very important and examine its affect on overall economy.
TBSC consultants have fulfilled tariff studies and willingness to pay analysis for number of donor organizations in Georgia and developed complex methodology in that regard.
No matter how successful the company is, there are always reserves for improvements. Some areas of the business have more potential, while others might be well-exploited. Rather than focusing on finding solutions to symptoms, which might be easily evident, it is necessary to identify the root-causes of inefficiencies in the company.
To understand true problems a comprehensive company-wide diagnostics is required. This means researching all the main areas of operations within the company, working closely with employees and searching together for those root causes which reduces the competitiveness of the organization. By collecting and analyzing significant amount of information TBSC will identify reasons for inefficiencies and will develop a comprehensive report, which will show to the management main reasons of underperformance, key opportunities for improvements and its implications in one or more areas within the company.
Knowing the reasons of inefficiency is a problem half solved. What remains after having a correct diagnosis is a development of the strategy on how to target identified challenges.
Today in Georgia the competition in some industries lead companies to strongly race in the size of the of marketing budgets. Consequently, two types of challenges emerge: 1) Challenge for Marketers –how to wisely distribute their marketing budget across dozens of channels and tens of sub-channels available today and to account for it; 2) Challenge for CEOs and Finance Directors – to compare alternative costs of investments that go to Marketing to other investments. In other words, what is the return on the investment that company directs towards marketing?
Our product – Study of Effectiveness of Marketing Spending – helps companies to address these challenges successfully. Based on historical data about marketing spending of the company as well as its key marketing KPIs, we establish econometric relationships and develop the complex model which provides answers to the questions for our clients:
- What is the customer lifetime value (future stream of income from clients) of my company?
- Which marketing channels have been good at increasing customer lifetime values of my company till today?
- What is the relative costs and effectiveness of various marketing channels in terms of increasing customer lifetime value?
- And finally, how to distribute my marketing budget in order to be more efficient – make savings and achieving same with the smaller marketing budget or be more effective – reach more with the current spending?
This product has worked in other countries and Clients have achieved up to 30% savings in marketing spending.