Wood Impex operates a sawmill Georgia, producing dried chestnut timber and lumber that are further processed into wooden doors and windows. The company was planning to receive financing from the Partnership Fund, established by the Government of Georgia. The overall objective of the Project was to produce a credible business plan that would enable the Partnership Fund to make informed decisions on investing in or otherwise financing the Company. TBSC divided the work into several sections including Markets, Forest LOB, Sawmill LOB, Existing Value-Added LOB and General And Administrative LOB. We analyzed all of the sections separately and then drew a combined clear picture of the whole business. As a result of our analysis, we estimated the likely market demand and price for Wood Impex products in domestic and export markets, estimated required investment to support that level of demand (e.g. equipment, working capital, production capacity), estimated operating and overhead costs. Based on these findings, we developed a highly detailed financial model, which included 20 different scenarios. All of the above was combined into a credible, defensible business plan for the Company.