CBI (Center of promotion of imports from developing countries, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands) has commissioned a study to identify high-potential export agricultural value chains (products) in Georgia and Armenia. TBSC identified a shortlist of value chains in Georgia and areas in those value chains where CBI could contribute and provide support. In order to evaluate the baseline situation, TBSC conducted interviews and discussions with the government officials and leading experts of the industry to obtain required information. Based on the data collected through discussions we identified four agricultural value chains with the highest export potential. TBSC then collected study statistics, secondary data and assessments on the four selected value chains. The assessment involved identification of: 1. Main problems and constraints that hinder the growth of exports at each stage of the value chain; 2. Initiatives currently implemented by the government and international organizations to address those problems; 3. Initiatives and programs that can be implemented by CBI to address those problems and constraints and to facilitate the growth of exports.