Cluster Diagnostics of Wine, Jewelry and Toy Clusters in Georgia

The project was launched as part of the “EU Innovative Action for Private Sector Competitiveness in Georgia,” a collaborative effort between the European Union and four UN Agencies: UNDP, FAO, UNIDO, and IOM.

UNIDO’s role in the project was to identify and foster clusters across Georgia. TBSC was tasked with conducting cluster diagnostic studies for three specific clusters: Wine, Jewelry, and Toys. During this study, TBSC conducted over 80 in-depth interviews with representatives from these clusters, as well as sectoral associations and service providers. Additionally, TBSC conducted thorough desk research and analyzed key economic indicators for these sectors/clusters to assess their historical performance.

As a result, three comprehensive cluster diagnostic studies were prepared. These studies shed light on the existing challenges and opportunities for cluster development and provided valuable recommendations for future interventions.
