Organizational Assessment of The Agricultural-Services NGO (Georgian Hazelnut Growers Association (GHGA)) (June 2019 – September 2019)

GHGA was established in 2013 to help members and non-member growers improve hazelnut orchard management to improve productivity and quality. The USAID Georgian Hazelnut Improvement Project (G-HIP) has provided significant training and capacity building support to GHGA over the years. G-HIP’s objective in this is to develop GHGA as a sustainable organization and knowledge hub for hazelnut production, post-harvest processing and marketing expertise.  It was hoped that GHGA would be self-sustainable by the end of the G-HIP project in December 2020. We developed a range of strategic and organizational alternatives for GHGA to improve sustainability, governance and management. We then recommended the best alternative and then worked with GHGA to decide and implement the agreed upon recommendations. TBSC answered three main questions: How sustainable was GHGA, how could it improve its performance and what additional assistance should be provided by USAID and G-HIP. 2019.
